We bought our Cascade 36 in September 2009 and have been getting used to sailing her on the Columbia River in Portland Oregon. We are the second owners. She was built in 1988 and launched in 1990 and has been south to Mexico and north of the Gulf Islands with the prior owner. We spent quite a bit of time looking for a boat - we wanted something a bit larger for more comfort in open water and while cruising. Since September we have focused on learning systems and evaluating upgrades. However, we knew when we bought her that she needed a new paint job. Although we initially thought we would wait longer, events came together to make it possible now, so here we are - a few days away from a pristine hull!
With a new paint job comes the option - perhaps the necessity - of a new name to make her truly ours. We spent quite some time researching names, looking for something that reflects our feeling of good fortune in
having this beautiful boat in our lives. We eventually settled on Ablissian, one of the names suggested by our daughter. It means to "make glad" in old English. Peter is English, so this seems appropriate, and of course she makes us very glad, so there you go!
We worked with a sign designer to select a font and letter size - tomorrow we will pick up the template so that our painter can include the name when he adds the stripe below the toe rail. We will need to have the paperwork updated (this is a documented vessel) and of course have a ceremony to christen Ablissian properly.